
UK-China workshop on energy and climate change economics

UK-China workshop on energy and climate change economics

UCL Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, University College London and Beijing Institute of Technology, 3-4 December 2021, 09:00-17:00 GMT; 17:00-01:00 CST; or find your local time here.

International collaborations are critical in addressing the global challenges of climate change and achieving the goal of worldwide fossil energy reduction. The UK is the first major economy to legitimize net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2050. China, the second largest economy, has also announced its goals to reach carbon neutrality before 2060.

University College London (UCL) and Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) will hold the UK-China Workshop on Energy and Climate Change Economics on December 3-4, 2021 in London. This will be a hybrid event – participants may choose to join either physically or online. The workshop will serve as a platform for researchers and practitioners to share the most recent ideas, outcomes, and practices on energy and climate change economics. It aims to form a sustainable collaboration mechanism between both sides, in order to build a world-class team on energy and climate change economics. The workshop is funded by the British Council and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

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