Poland as a Hub of the Silk Road Economic Belt: Is the Narrative of Opportunity Supported by Developments on the Ground?

The article presents an analysis of Poland’s potential role as a European hub supporting the transportation of goods on the route between China and the EU. The authors point out a number of factors that can favour the development of a Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) hub in Poland. At the same time, they emphasise that higher demand for shipments through the New Eurasian Land Bridge within the SREB does not automatically mean that Poland will become the main hub on its European end. The study highlights several important aspects of competition as a result of which Poland is likely to adopt the role of a regional hub in Central and Eastern Europe.

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Jakubowski, A.; Komornicki, T.; Kowalczyk, K. and Miszczuk, A. (2020) 'Poland as a Hub of the Silk Road Economic Belt: Is the Narrative of Opportunity Supported by Developments on the Ground?', Asia Europe Journal 18: 367–396

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